

  • Eek! I fell off the tracking wagon and sure enough, I started seeing gains! So I'm back in action!
  • Glad you posted that- I struggled this week with logging in and tracking and it shows! I think that these mid weeks (weeks 4 through 7) are usually pretty hard bc the "newness" has worn off! I vowed (to myself) this morning that I was going to make sure I tracked every day this week!
  • Since someone mentioned bananas, I have to share... I bought a yonanas machine this weekend. Yes, you heard me, a yonanas machine. You take frozen peeled bananas and shove it into the machine and it comes out in a fro yo type consistency. It's the strangest thing but has satisfied my sweet tooth for the time being :)
  • oh yum! I'll have to try it!
  • Thanks ladies :) Your comments were exactly what I needed! I've done really well the past two days so I'm hoping I'm back on track!
    in Crap. Comment by Kinsey035 January 2012
  • This is so great. I should probably print it out and hang in on my frig! My favorite one is when he said that thinking about going to the gym only burns 0 calories. No wonder I have a hard time losing weight!
  • oh good idea! I need some new ideas (since I've had to give up my favorite snack - candy)