

  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you indulged during the holiday season. Lapses happen. The key is to know that tomorrow is a brand new day to re-set and get back on track.
  • Those that follow a Paleo diet plan, are also eating low-carb, but they include lots of vegetables, which are also low carbs but the healthy kind. Paleo dieters avoid dairy, grains and legumes (aka beans) so for some that can be pretty tough to do. But they have a diet plan if you're looking to follow a low-carb path that…
  • All the advice about eating more (at least 1200 calories) is great advice you should follow to get out of the starvation mode. I would be curious to know what you're eating. And it may be a good idea to self-evaluate, if you're willing, the fear you have of gaining back the weight. What's that fear about? How do you feel…