

  • 5'8" & weigh 143lbs, but i dont feel fit or good when i weigh this, i like it when i weigh 130-135. so id like to lose soem weight & get my flat stomach back. i know fo rhow tall i am i should weigh 140-145 but i just don't like being that.
  • it is hard for me to meet the water intake goal. i feel like its hard. i can get up to 2-4 cups/day. i drink water at each meal then if im excersising but just throughout the day, i may not be thirsty or i am but relaize it till i start drinking water.
  • I overcome sweets by thinking about how I want to lose a few inches from where my waist & hips and how it's not good for you. I've never had trouble turning down sweets just because they are there. so that also really helped me. beign in college, its crucial for me to stay fit, im always worried about gaining weight,…