

  • vdegraff: You have been on liquids for a while, so if your intake is increasing then you might want to watch the callories. Also you should be walking and doing some type of activity. If you can't then I would watch the callories. I could not stay on the liquids long, I got super hungry. I can say this, watch dry meat,…
  • Hello, my name is Donald. I got my band in 09. I started losing weight, then started having pain issues, not with the band. Then by the end of 2010 I was told I had cancer. I spent 2011 with surgerys and chemo and radiation fighting my cancer. I just finished my last day of radiation on Oct 25. I started to work out on the…
  • Hi, my name is Donald, and I noticed that I am older than at least two of you put together, lol. I joined about a week ago. I started to lose weight about 3 years ago. I was 370 pounds. I got the lap band and started losing weight. Then I started having pain issues, took a year but ended up being told I had cancer. I have…