

  • I was doing 30-Day Shred, jogging and other things for a while too, but nothing did it for me. I got talked into a Zumba class just to break up the monotony and listen to great music and that seemed to have jumped started things again. Good luck, it's so tough to find something that works!
  • There should be a smile on your face - you look fantastic! I bet you feel like a whole new person too.
  • I was your age and in your same position when I joined the Army. Your goal is worthy and you will not regret doing whatever you have to do to get in. It was one of the best decisions I ever made! Stick with it, be good to yourself and know that it has a payoff. The Navy will give you every opportunity, especially in your…
  • Way to keep on track and not give up!! Your pictures inspire me as I started at 218 (now at 199) and want to get down to 150. Now I can truly see what a difference it will make. It's so hard on a daily basis, until I can see the "big picture" like what you've accomplished. Thanks for the inspiration!