

  • Hi Tairui2009, What you say "work out online" - what does that mean? Can you actually see each other workout through an application? I've been wanting to do the online video buddy thing - I just got my p90x and they offered to sign up for a coach - is this similar to what you are talking about? Feel free to message me the…
  • Did you do the p90x prior to this or are you going full-force into the insanity? I got my p90x DVDs 2 days the "watch this first" dvd, there were 2 bonus workouts - the first one was 48 minutes; I could only go forward up to 20 minutes...and for the rest of the time, I finished watching the workout session but…
  • You got this Mama! I am happy for you and proud of you and glad you are here with us. xo