

  • I find if I manage 1200-1400 a couple of days I tend to go back up to 1600-2000 the next day. what really is helping though ( apart from the gym :blushing: ) is portion control. i make fatfree vegetable soup for work and after three people mentioned independently that it seemed a large (actually, one said enormous […
  • you can tell i didn't read this all the way through to begin with - mary, we have the same stats and goals, awesome! i feel validated somehow, everyone else seems to be slimmish anyway and wants to be *thin* or at the other end of the (non-punning) scale
  • 165 and i'd be more than happy to get back to 140, although I have a sneaking suspicion 137 would be better. I have a naturally large rack and I don't want to look bizarre :bigsmile:
  • Struggling over here :grumble: you know what my worst habit is? I look at obese and morbidly obese (i weigh in at around 165lbs at 5ft3 and thus count in the UK as overweight but not obese, *just* tipped over a size 14 [US 18?]) people and think well, jesus christ, I'm not that big, im quite normal really! moreover, having…
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