

  • I had lost a hundred pounds, then gained back 70 of it. While I did well eating wise and felt good when losing weight, I did not really change my Exercise habits. It really is a key ingredient in weight loss for life in my opinion. I have incorporated a lot of exercise (and getting a lot of support from my Biggest Loser…
  • You didn't mention celery - I got my tip from Alton Brown: Wash the stalk and put it in a tall glass jar with enough water to cover the bottom root ball (about a third of the jar). Put one of those little mini-shower cap covers (ok, I forget what they are called!) over the top - or even a long plastic bag and rubber band…
  • For me the weight loss just follows because I control my sugar. As of yesterday my doctor finally gave me the official title of controlled diabetic. The word controlled makes me feel so good. The thing is I guess I've had this goal before and then did the ostrich dance, sticking my head in the sand and ignoring the…
  • I just recently joined MFP bu I've been in the process of losing weight since November '09. In fact, I'm at 92 lbs total loss, 8 pounds from 100! That having been said, there were many times over the months where I fell off the wagon. Being sick really kicks you, and add exhaustion to it, and it's a recipe for 'falling…
  • I hope the custom goal doesn't set yourself up for a fall. Being lean is great but when you sacrifice comfort, at some point you get tired of that and the weight comes back. That cycle of putting it on and off - let's just say I've been there, done that - not good. Leads to bad things. I have a suggestion - but you could…
    in My Story Comment by thatcat61 June 2010
  • I just did the math to see if I still fit the scenario - and darn it, I still do. I started back in November when I reached an all-time high weight of 425. My diabetes, which the previous summer I had gotten under control by diet alone, was out of control, and I felt awful. This morning I was 344 lbs, so I've lost 81 total…