munchie144 Member


  • I self sabotage daily and know I'm doing it but, for some reason I cannot stop. Today I am starting my diet AGAIN, I have lost and gained the same 20 lbs so many times I have lost count. Mine is a mental thing, I say things to myself don't look that bad, or you're under a lot of stress you deserve to eat what you…
  • You look amazing! How did you do it ?
  • I can't seem to do it on my own, maybe this is the motivation I need. I start today...current weight 162, 20 by Christmas I'm in!
  • When I first saw your before picture I thought it was your after picture then I saw the after pic and was wow that could be be! I have 25lb to lose and even though I joined quite a few months ago I couldn't get motivated,it's hard because when I want to eat something I shouldn't I tel myself it's ok you don't look that bad…