luisitosmommy Member


  • Ha, There probably is. My fave at the moment is chocolate covered cherries! Even my son loves these shakes and let me say for an 18 month old he will not try anything that is not beans or soup. lol. He grabbed my cup one day and ever since then in the mornings he has to have his own. try it, there is nothing wrong with…
  • We are always in a rush to get to work so my husband and I drink one every morning, It is delicious made with almond milk and a cup of fruit. I do not stay full but I am not starving by lunch time. Its better than stopping at the store and buying a donut or bisquit at mcdonalds. it can get pretty expensive though. $100 a…
  • I will join you on Monday!!! Will be my first round!
  • I always knew lol, my mother won't let me forget! Haha but it just wasn't my priority, but yes that day in the dressing room I was like wow how did I let myself get here!!! Lol Thanks! I hope we both get to where we want to be!