

  • I have been weighing in daily, in the mornings. There is a "get active" challenge going on at work where we have to record our stats every day. What seems to be working for me so far, is that I will record a loss, but if I gain, I'll record an even weight that day and see what it is the next day. If it is still a gain the…
  • I totally understand what you mean! I had a custom made dress, because I just knew I would quickly be in tears if I had tried to go dress shopping. First place we went had 3!! plus size samples to try on out of hundreds of dresses. Even though I loved my dress, and it fit me well, I don't want to fit it again.…
  • Hi! I'm a 29yo mother of a 3yo(turning 4 in June). I work full time and my husband is a SAHD. I am always busy doing something, unfortunately most of that "something" has me sitting on my rump! I recently started with MFP, and it really does seem to be helping, but I think my mindset is different this time too. Usually, I…