

  • I'm so glad that I've just found out that you can include Breastfeeding in the food diary :D,I tried searching for it under exercise and didn't find it :/. I've been nursing for 10mths now by pumping and latching on as I've returned to work 6mths back :). Just eat as per normal and whatever you want (don't overeat), the…
  • I think it is ok to have some cake, I still eat what I ate before I started MFP: cakes, fast food, fried stuffs, chocolates, icecreams etc. Infact I just had blueberry cake for breakfast and roti prata for supper yesterday. But I do make up for it by doing more exercises on the day itself or other days when my calories…
  • I'm in with you! So far I've been jogging and walking, I shall count the distances in too! Starting from tues june 08 :D
  • Hihi, I just download this app on my ipod touch few days ago, wasn't so motivated to log in on the ipod and track the calories till I saw the online version, which is pretty fun! Congratz on weight loss!
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