

  • I have lost 7lbs so far. Would like my total to be 10lbs by Christmas. More than that would be a bonus!!! :tongue:
  • I am happy and encouraged to read that there are others out there in the same boat I am. I just had my 3 child 8 weeks ago! My second was in Dec 2009 and I hadn't lost all my weight from that one before #3 came along :frown: I heard about this from a friend of mine and thought I would give it a try. I have also done WW and…
  • I am in my early 30's but am a new mom of 3. New little one is 7 weeks old now. I work full-time as well, but am still on my maternity leave for another 6 weeks. :smile: I started this program about 5 days ago now and am looking to lose 20-25 lbs as well. I am hoping it works!
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