

  • Hi! I would love to add you and I am also Bipolar and was diagnosed about 6 years ago. I have some wonderful tips for you if you are interested on how to deal with the mood swings and emotional roller coaster of Bipolar. I started out weighin 243 pounds when I began my weight loss journey and I am 204.5 as of this morning.…
  • What you really want to avoid in the evening are foods that give rise to insulin, specifically carbohydrates, and for several reasons. First, when blood insulin levels rise, fat burning takes a dive and a “storage” environment is created within the body. This is a good thing after exercise or after an overnight fast to…
  • No I did not compensate meals during the day to make up fr what I used to eat at night. Again, it all depends on the person. Everyone's body is different and will respond differently. I went from eating at night before bed and not losing 1 single pound (in fact gaining) to not eating at night and losing weight like crazy…
  • Same here. Once I began not eating after 6 pm the weight started falling off.
  • This is not just a myth. Especially for people who do not eat much during the day and then eat late in the evening. Try your own experiment and see what works best for your body because everyone is different.
  • That's probably why then. Eating at night is the worst thing you can do. That is how I ended up at 243 pounds. Once I started taking Adipex I refused to let myself eat past 6 pm, but I wasn't really hungry either. My way of losing is probably not the healthiest but it is working for me. I should be eating at least 1200…
  • Do you eat at night? That can also tip the scales. Since I started my dieting I will not allow myself to eat after 6 pm, which was the hardest thing for me to do at first. I go to a weight loss clinic and started taking Adiex which really curbs your appetite and gives you some energy.
  • Hello all! I am also happy that I found this site. I am looking for friends who are trying to lose weight but it seems that i have so much more to lose than the rest of you. I started my weight loss journey on Sept. 28, 2011. I needed to lose 100 pounds at that time. Since Sept. 28 I have lost 36 pounds. I started going to…