

  • Hi as personal trainer and dietician i wouldnt recommend herbalife diet at all, and in all fairness not shakes diet at all. our bodies didnt been designed for this type of food (shakes) meaning : you need food, real food and keep calories in right number, you can support your calories with shake or two a day, but as…
  • its mixed with water i serving of squash will have same nutrition as one serving of squash with 5 dl of water
    in Squash Comment by jozefsan June 2010
  • muscle and fat weight same? i must strongly disagre with that and for topic : you expecting changes after 4 days of helthy food and gym? well changes didnt come over night. eat properly and excercise and you will see first good changes in 1 months
  • just for correction, change routine doesnt mean you need change excercise, it mean you do think slightly different. example : you do running, so few weeks you run 10 miles normal terrain, then few weeks you run 5 miles up hil. so you can have same excercise with small chenges and your body get still something new even with…