Before I had easy internet access my diet was basically lots and lots of eggs with various fats and occasionally bacon. Seriously. There were weeks where I would go through 7 dozen by myself and my wife was convinced I was going to die. I didn't eat them for 7 months after that, but am back to eating them regularly.…
The spread sheet is neat, and the calc seems about right @ 4-ish lbs a week. The only thing I did that counts as heavy lifting was during deer season, which is also the only time I did any fasting. Out of respect for our members with less than iron stomachs I'll omit any details other than average weight was 145lbs that…
Massive cast iron skillet. I cook everything in it, whether on the stove, in the oven, on a grill, over a fire, et al. I find it comforting to use cookware that will outlive me. :smiley:
Yep, you read that right. I had somewhat of a hormonal issue and after a while of doing keto it leveled itself out. Downside is I have a lot of excess skin from it. No free lunch and all that. Every body is different so ymmv, but I feel the sky is the limit.
Nicely done! Do you keep up with body fat percentage?
Congrats! Keep up the great work!
When I was on my first run and had the biggest losses (and the most to lose) I would just eat huge amounts of eggs with lots of olive oil or butter to get my fat content in, and have some grilled chicken breast for dinner. I didn't really know what I was doing as far as the cooking goes because before then I lived entirely…
An even better reason to go with fat bombs. Almond butter made with raw almonds, a heap of coconut oil, and a pinch of dark chocolate powder mixes easy, keeps forever in the freezer, tastes phenomenal and best of all no animals were harmed in the making of your breakfast. :smiley: Also makes a great snack when you don't…
Thanks much, I like all the links you've compiled by the way. Read through a bunch of them last night, was already using a few (mainly lots of good recipes).
5/24/13 I weighed 306 11/22/13 I weighed 193 All from keto with a healthy calorie restriction. As an experiment (because we've all heard 'you gain it right back as soon as you stop' stories) I didn't count calories or keto between 11/22/13 and 12/21/14 and my weight only fluctuated 10lbs or so the entire ~25 month period.…
Bulletproof coffee if you're a coffee drinker, fat bombs if you're not. Its nice to make up a batch and keep them in the freezer so you have a quick morning option to get in some fat. All the suggestions for cooking with fat are great too. You can also use olive oil or melted bacon fat as a kind of sauce or topping…
It'll have been 6 years since I graduated high school on May 28th. I weighed 278 then, I weigh 198 now.