

  • I've started doing the 5/2 diet and have noticed that if I eat breakfast I get really hungry well before lunchtime. If I don't eat breakfast, I don't feel hungry all day. Today I had green tea with lemon at 7am, drank water throughout the morning then started to feel a bit hungry at 2pm so had an apple. It's 5pm now and I…
  • I discovered that if I eat breakfast, I'm hungry the rest of the day. If I skip breakfast, I don't even feel properly hungry by lunchtime. I can eat a low cal lunch - salad and lean ham or chicken, a piece of fruit and a low fat yogurt and feel full. Dinner is easy - baked fish, like lightly dusted frozen fish fillet and a…
  • My weight swings between 140 in the depths of winter when I'm doing hardly any exercise and eating winter foods, and 132 in the summer when I'm out hiking and gardening. It's far far harder now to lose the extra weight, the older I get, (I'm 53) but certainly not impossible. MFP has been a great help but 1200 cals is not…