Sorry to high jack your post, but I love Turbo Jam and am looking to get another one of her workouts. Just looking for opinions on which one I should get: ChaLEAN Extreme or Turbo Fire. I am looking to loose some weight and tone up all over. I have about ten lbs to get to pre-pregnancy weight and may want to loose another…
Oh my! That brought tears to my eyes!! What a wonderful goal to have. You can do it! I'm not sure what my secret goal would be.....
Anyone else have suggestions?
Thanks! I'll look into those.
Yum! Can't wait to make this.
If you type in "exclusively breastfeeding" under breakfast there is an option for twins. It will add 800 calories to your daily goal. I am EBF my three month old and I do this every day to add 500 calories to my goal.
If you type "exclusively breastfeeding" in under breakfast it will add 500 calories. There might be an easier way to add it more permanently but I am still new at this and trying to figure it all out:smile:
Hi! I'm Liz and I am a fellow August 2011 Mom from WTE. I don't usually post a lot there - mostly lurk. My username there is Lizzie424. My son is almost 12 weeks old (and perfect!). While I loved being pregnant, I gained more weight than I would have liked. In total I gained close to 50 lbs! I didn't weigh myself…