Hi ladies! How is everyone? Congrats Kalyrra on the baby and weight loss! Awesome! So glad you made it to the hospital in time!! Also, I know how you feel about missing pregnancy. This was our 4th and final. Taking in all the moments as I know they are our last. :'( My little princess was born on her due date Oct 20th.…
Well the reason I had him by C was that he was breech and his heart rate was rising too quickly. The a bad experience was really bc of the nurse. The doctor ended up kicking her out of the OR bc of so many major mistakes she was making. After talking with the hubby, we are going to try and let her come on her own unless…
It's so exciting and stressful at the she time! This is my fourth but my youngest is 6. I feel like Im not ready at all.. well baby wise. This is the most unprepared Ive ever been for the baby! We only have a few things for baby..( Travel system, fold and go sleeper, a few bottles and a diaper bag). This summer has just…
My 2 youngest (girl & boy) are 14 months apart. Yes, it's challenging and its really like having twins ( at least to me). I was scared to death when I had a four month old and pregnant again! You will have your moments where you think you can't take it anymore, but then the waters calm and you find your rhythm. There is…
I chew SF gum all the time and haven't had any issues. I try to eat as clean as possible so to me the gum is too small of a percentage to be worried about. Ask your doctor at your next appointment if its still bothering you , but IMO you're fine. :)
For GI issues my doctor said Milk of Magnesia and it helped. The stuff is hard to get down but worth it esp for the constipation. I also ate prunes and drank tons of water. Hopefully this doesn't last much longer! :)
Congrats and welcome to the group! I had a very similar situation with #2. We struggled to get pregnant on fertility and then found out I was in stage 4 Endo. After the surgery I got pregnant and am on my last #4! Your blood work will tell you everything! They have come so far in the medical world its amazing! The nausea,…
I love the just dance suggestion! Most of those are pretty fast paced! :) There is a youtube channel I do dance fitness/ zumba and its a very good workout! Here is the link if your interested. I was doing a speed walking and running interval but I'm finding it harder and…
HI there! Im due Oct 20 and measuring 1.5 weeks early! This is my 4th child and my last one was born a month early at 8 lbs!
Just voted! she is in the lead!
looks great! Good job!