noklue2 Member


  • It's a battle worth fighting! Go girl!
  • I eat a sweet breatfast bar or something... like the fiber one! Thay are so good! and taste almost like a candy bar! Yummmmmm!
  • Just wanted to say HI i juined a few days ago! Im loving this so far! Just eating better has made me feel better and look better it is amazing what 6lbs has done for me... can't wait for the next 6! Created by - Free Food Diary
    in HI! Comment by noklue2 January 2009
  • I really wouldn't do it. I have taken them before and yeah i lost about 15 lbs but it came right back when i stoped taking them. The gave me energy which i loved, but so will a diet soda! I think you should show your friends at work how to loose weight the healthy way!