

  • thanks everyone for your feedback!!
  • there are plenty of other types of abs exercises if those hurt your back... have you tried leg lifts or planks? they dont put strain on your back or neck but they still work your abs(: good luck!
  • It will work great once you get the hang of it(: just start at level 1 and work your way up. good luck!
  • do you guys add the calories from fruit to your diaries? because i eat tons of fruits and veggies everyday but i dont add them to the diary thing. i am wondering if i should. thanks & hope everyone is doing well(:
  • swimming is a great way to exercise! it is one of the activities that burns the most calories per hour. 30 minutes is already a good amount of time, just go on how your body feels. maybe swim and few times a week and add in other activities so you wont get bored? good luck (:
  • thanks everyone for posting back, and good luck reaching all of your goal weights!
  • what is your goal weight if you are that height? also: any good ideas for healthy snacks between 100-200 calories? hope everyone is doing good!
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