

  • If I am eating the maintance calories I shouldn't gain right?
  • I will have to look into that. I just increased from 1200 to 1350 per day. I will give myself 2 weeks. If no change then I will increase to the maintenace calories and see if that helps!!!
  • Very true! Although I still have 'flabby' areas that I would like to disappear. So perhaps tightening and toning may help!
  • I haven't taken measurements. I am sure I'm losing inches. But it's those darn 10 pounds that I really want to lose. I have tried to switch my focus, but I can't, I keep going back to the # on the scale. Over the last 2 years I've lost 100 pounds. I gained a lot while pregnant with my kids and am now lighter then I was…
  • I'm definately working to increase my H2o intake to 64oz per day. I am hit or miss and usually drink around 32oz at minimum per day. I don't eat fish, other tuna unfortunately, just don't like it. I'm doing the C25K program for running which is interval training. The only things I drink are green tea, water and tea. I also…