BecLBe Member


  • Hey, just saw your post, I'm on day 3 of Keto also. Feel free to add me!!
  • Tstartele- I just my script today. I'm 240, 5'10 and 37 AND an Army Veteran. We have so much in common. The great thing about you being AF is the free gym, also you can utilize the nutritionist on base as well. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis last year. I was had just ran my first half marathon and was lifting mad…
    in New hope Comment by BecLBe March 2016
  • There is one group for sure I know of, but I don't think it's very active. If your exclusively breastfeeding, your body will burn about 500 calories/day. You can actually add it as a food under one of your meals. My lactation consultant informed me to keep my calories no less than 1700 to keep my supply up. Everyones body…
  • SWEETIE COUNT ME IN!!!! Starting weight: 216..booo. :)
  • Ewww sodium litterally is everywhere, right? My biggest weight loss struggle is motivation and commitment. I tend to let myself get in the way. Right now I'm doing a workout video, when my hubby is home, I get all self contious and won't work out while he's home. Then the baby wakes up and I miss my window to…
  • The system is recommending I eat 1700 c/day (I'm a little bigger than y'all), but I don't eat back my breastfeeding calories and my milk supply hasn't been effected. I just make sure I include oatmeal and tons of water everyday to make sure my supply isn't touched. And I"m losing weight like crazy. Also, I just started…
  • I plan on doing it this up coming year here in Texas. I had planned on doing it back in 2010 but found out I was pregnant the week after I signed up for it. So I got to watch my hubby kill it. I did do the Jail Break, same thing only more running in between obsticle..was totally worth it. Made me feel good to run past all…
  • Congrats on the awesome job well done. You pump me up to get this happening and get back in shape. I have a serious "love hate" relationship with running and I'm planning on running the 3M Half next January in Austin. Keep up the killer work!
  • I must be the only one, I hate Zumba. But if your can enjoy it while getting a killer sweat on, then I say do both. I'm personally more of a Shred, weights, go running kind of gal.
  • I purchased the Tracey Anderson Method Post Natal workout. I haven't tried it, but I'm excited and was wondering if anyone else has seen good results? I need to cut inches fast by the time I go back to work Jan 3.
  • Hey there..I need some motivation buddies too. I just joined this site a few days ago to get motivated to knock off my baby weight. I have an 18 month old and a 6 week old. I didn't lose my weight from my toddler either before getting pregnant again. Plus I'm in the Army and have only 6 months to lose the weight. It's so…