fatfreedee Member


  • Not sure...but that is a great idea! Count me in. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
    in over 50 Comment by fatfreedee March 2010
  • I find that sometimes...if I've been keeping to the same exercise and calories in...the metabolism gets sluggish. This may sound strange, but at times like these I've taken a day and had ONE splurge meal. Whatever I want...definitely a higer calorie day...then I go right back to what I was doing before. I don't know why…
  • I'm so in... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • :smile: Count me in...I've lost 45 lbs since November and am currently working on the next 45...I think what got me this far is realizing at the beginning that I was going to give myself a full year to work on making my life look completely different...so I haven't been as disappointed when I have setbacks. I'm excited to…