ROBO693 Member


  • Does it really matter if they have make up on? They are working out and that is all that should matter. Sheesh i can see why some people feel intimidated at the gym, people are constantly judging.
  • Are you gaining muscle? I agree about checking on the inches. The workout only burns 200-300 calories since it's not all cardio but it is the equivilant of an hour at the gym. I did it religously a few years ago and lost 20lbs. Nowadays since I'm used to burning more calories I do level 3 followed by a 2 mile jog. Good…
  • I love the 30 day shred. I swear it is the only thing that really works for me. How do you track it though?
  • I have all of the Jillian dvds and the 30 day is by far the most effective one. I did it for 3 months and lost 20lbs. It is the equivilant of working out for an hour at the gym and is only about 25 minutes.
  • Yes that is what i assumed i should do. But i think i'd rather not induldge in the food so that i CAN indulde in the drinking a few nights. But NO hurricans! Those things are pure sugar! Thanks for the advice.
  • Hey there! I am traveling to New Orleans for 7 days on business and DEF wanting to stick to my diet. I know New Orleans is famous (or infamous) for having great food but it all sounds unhealthy to me (sausage, benays, fried everything etc) any suggestions besides eating salads for 7 days straight??? Thanks.