Butterflywildgirl Member


  • Hi there I am there for you too! Its a hard struggle and I think it helps when you can share thoughts and ideas with someone else who is struggling with the same weight loss issues..
  • Hi there My husband and I went vegan after he had his whole colon removed because of 100 of polyps. I have found alot of great meatless products in some of the stores. I will tell you some of my favorites. Well I just found these yummy fake shrimp at Market of choice. Also I have found meatballs, meatless crumbles, fake…
  • Hi there sometimes its hard to stay on track on weekends. I don't know what comes over me but when the weekend comes I usually fall off the wagon. I do really good during the week. So I guess I just need to stay motivated. I exercise on Saturday but I take sundays off. I have been pretty good about saying on my meal plan…