

  • Got L2D5 done - yay! In a much brighter mood today, thank goodness :)
  • Wow... thank you all so much for taking the time to reply! I do know in my head that I am on the right path, but I am an emotional eater and nothing feels like it would ease the dissappointment like some chocolate :wink: I was strong the other day, but today I thought I would try to reach out to other's before digging in…
  • I took a break yesterday too... but did get up this morning and did my L2D4 :) I get discouraged sometimes though, how about you?
  • I agree with you about the planks - and I believe I was getting a little bored with L1 too. Although I remember at one point in the middle of L2 I could here Jillian's "if you think you are going to die" <insert her tone> and I was definitely agreeing! lol
  • Okay, did my first day of L2 last night - wow. A bit more intense... but I DID IT! :D
  • Good morning everyone! Did my 6th day of L1 today; but feeling really guilty that I never got around to doing it this weekend. Also, completely TANKED my eating better... was doing so great all week, then BAM! Oh well, need to figure out a better way to deal with these weekends. Proud of myself for getting back on the…
  • Good morning all! Love reading about everyone else's experience; makes me feel better that I wasn't the only one with the Day 3 soreness and fatigue ;) Did manage to throw myself out of bed this morning and get Day 4 achieved - YAY!!! Let's keep the great work!
  • Proud of myself for crawling out of bed and doing day 3 :) BUT dissappointed that I couldn't do as many repetition's today due to muscle soreness :( Keeping fingers crossed tomorrow I am back to where I was yesterday...
  • Just started, on my second consecutive day of Level 1 - count me in!