sbenskin001 Member


  • Surgery went well. Lots of gas pain and walking. Go for my first check up on friday to check the band positioning. So far I am very happy I choose the lap band. There are studies showing even without major weight loss it can be a major help with diabetes which I was diagnosed with this spring. I came home from the hospital…
  • I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning! I am very nervous and excited. I know it is only a tool but I believe I can make it a tool for my success. I have no experience to share yet all I have done is the preop shake diet which has been very hard partially because I should have planned better and not had family…
  • HI I am 26 and I was diagnoised at 25. I have had the symptoms long before that since I was a teen and had even spoken to my family doctor who told me not to worry just losse weight and never told me what was actually wrong. He maintained that it was all from my weight alone until I pushed seeing someone when me and my…
  • I am 26 and insulin resistant also. I have had a hard time explaining these exact feelings to my family!! I go carb crazy once I have had a sugar/processed carb!! If I only get my carbs from fruits veggies and the occasional home made whole grain carb I do great. But as soon as I allow myself a sugar splurge even in…
  • I try to search what I want so I do not see as many deserts but I also put sweets into a seperate board and I usually do make a healthy revision of a desert once a week as kinda a treat to me and my family. I do not want to deprive myself until I over endulge but I only make "healthier" deserts and limit myself to one…
  • One of my favs is using pinterest and than linking to sites. This way it allows sorting somewhat and not being limited to one website. I also have some good ones we have tried I can message to ya if your interested. I have an 8 year old stepson and 14 year old step daughter that I also cook for. I try very hard to make…
  • I want in please. I know it starts today so I am a little late but I would love to be accountable to a group!
  • Day 3. I discovered that there is no way I can find to post from my mobile app into the group!!! So I stuck to my plan fairly well on Day 2 however I caved for some curly fries but I limited how many I ate :) For day three i am set to go and it is at home cardio later today no gym :( I love the gym but it is a drive to get…
  • Here's my checkin for the day! First day went great hit the gym first thing this am, and ate a healthy lunch. been trying to drink water not as much as would like to hit goal. And just to include me goofiness for the day I have been working out and to keep my sugar stable and per suggestions I am trying to drink a protien…
  • Okay I am interested! Love the extra motivation and having a check in. Message me for sure if I do not check-in! Goals: 1.) stay in my carb count (health) shot to also stay in calorie count! 2.) Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. 3.) this is a comination one I would like to clean out my kitchen and pantry to reduce…