

  • My absolute favorite sweet snack. Is to take an apple peel and slice it put it in a bowl, add cinnamon and a small amount of sugar substitute either splenda or stevia, whatever you like and put in the microwave for about a minute (not completely sure of time). Comes out like baked apples.
  • Welcome Megan, I am also new to the site and so far it seems great, It has been really encouraging getting support from others on very similar journeys and it is great to watch each person post there results and exercises each day, this has really helped motivate me to want to continue to push myself to be better. Together…
  • Hi, I'm Casey. I have just started this site but, I have heard that the support is great on here. I am at 285 lbs right now and I am hoping to get to 160 lbs, but I am with you just to see the first number be a 1 again would make me ecstatic. I have several things motivating me right now. Such as I have high blood pressure…
  • I also just started. I just found out over christmas my brother in law is getting married in august and I have never weighed so much in my life. I keep mentioning to my husband how I dont want the pictures his sisters took of me posted on Facebook anymore, but just came to the realization I am probably not going to be able…