jenfuss Member


  • Just wanted to add, good for you for getting started! I just turned 47, and I've been depressed about it too because when I was 42 I lost 40 pounds -- was determined to not spend the second half of my 40s overweight. Well, I gained it all back, every lousy pound, and here I am, facing 50 and still overweight. Can't believe…
  • I get up at 5 a.m. to walk in my neighborhood. But it's dark and I am scared of loose dogs and snakes. I carry a flashlight and some pepper spray. But I totally understand being afraid. If bears were spotted in my area, I'd be a nervous wreck! But I have enjoyed walking in the early mornings this summer. It's nice to get…
  • Hi! I'm Jennifer. I'm 43 with a three-year-old daughter. I lost 40 pounds last year but gained 25 of it back. Trying to get back on the wagon. I'm so glad to find this group because I think our situation is unique -- being an older mom, I feel a lot of pressure to lose weight and be more active so I can live a long,…
    in Hello! Comment by jenfuss February 2012