

  • I've read that heart rate monitors can be extremely inaccurate during strength training. Cannot recall the scientifics of why that is but apparently they tend to overestimate significantly...
  • WOW thank you all so much!!! I like this idea of lowering my weekly goal to .5 lb... For those who asked, I'm about 5'7". I am not overweight by any means, but right now, at this weight, I feel uncomfortable. To "tone up" is why I started the P90/Insanity hybrid.... hopefully it will pay off! Thanks again all. Best of luck…
  • I battled with eating disorders of every kind from 8th grade all the way through college. I did seek professional help, I did see a nutritionist and I tried every workout regimen and diet in the book to make me "feel better." Nothing worked, nothing helped. I was starving and depleted of necessary vitamins and nutrients.…