

  • Bean burgers and veggie burgers! I used to eat these with salad thinking that it was a nice healthy meal...WRONG!! Each burger was approx 225kcal. Also tortilla wraps, I thought that these were a good/light alternative to bread...WRONG AGAIN!! Approx 180kcals per wrap.
  • One of my favourite cheap, easy and calorie light recipes was spicy tuna rice. Make a huge batch with tinned tuna, brown rice, peppers (doesn't matter which colour), onion, garlic, chilli and Chinese 5 spice. Cook the rice. Stir fry the chopped peppers, onion, garlic and chilli. Add the tinned tuna (maybe two tins if you…
  • I was always convinced that I could never run/jog. I'd tried it once or twice and ended up feeling very sick and very depressed at my lack of fitness. Then my sister began running and she persuaded me to go along with her. I ran 5k my first try and have never looked back. The secret to success for me was not 'running'…