

  • I really believe the calories on this website are over inflated. I was staying within my calories averyday and adding the work out calories I did and not going anywhere. I started using the calories listed on my Xbox workout game and got much closer to what I think the true caolries I lost were. If the calories from your…
  • I started on Tuesday also. I downloaded the app on my iPod. I don't have ant tried and true tips, but what I was going to do was just try not to freak out and go WAY overboard.
  • I am also type 1 diabeteic. I just signed up with earlier this week, so if I am doing this wrong I apologize. I have been diabetic since 1988 at the age of 14. I also have a pump which I have used for 12 years. I have always been "big" (I am so close to being 6 feet tall I go ahead and say that I am, and to…