

  • i started in November and in 4 months have lost over 60lbs! To be honest i have tried everything like you have and have also dieted better etc. I dont care what everyone else says but the best thing to do: RUN!!!! ...n not an eliptical stair mastr etc.. run the treadmill. I use this app called C25K its a running trainer…
  • I ahte spinach!! Buut there recipies sound very good i think ill give them a try!!
  • Hi My name is Dre. I live in Washington Dc. work for a health insurance company. I sit mostly all day. My weight los goal is 100lbs Right now im trying this to help with eating the right foods. I am also starting boxing lessons today as well. On the weekends I will try to run about 3 miles. LOL im sure itll be mostly…