

  • I am record my measurements once a month using a tape measure but one used for cloth not the construction tape measurement, not sure what to call those. I can also tell I've added muscle by just the feeling and seeing my before/after pictures you see it a lot more. So maybe I am losing fat and just can't exactly tell? Any…
  • So my strength training is a mix of circuit training and more isolated muscle groups using dumbells, body weight and kettle bells depending on the day and week. I generally allow less than 20 seconds between sets and go for at least 60 mins with 3-4 spurts of 15-20 second sprints in between my sets. Anything labeled…
  • I also didn't want to hear that I need to get a digital scale but it looks like everyone is right :-( I am looking into them this weekend. Is it still beneficial to log if i'm not 100% accurate? I may not get the scales until Sunday or Monday and if I order them online, it will be longer than that.
  • Thanks for that website! I don't really understand "body composition" and needed someway to understand what was being mentioned here. THANKS!!
  • There is no way I'm not in a deficit. I generally over estimate things and measure my servings when I can (80% of the time). I also don't log in all my exercise as sometimes the exercise is just outside playing sports or playing with kids or I just didn't log it for the day. I'm worried that because I'm not meeting my…
  • I've unlocked my diary. I'm ALWAYS under my protein requirement some days it's only a few grams while others I don't even come close. Any suggestions on how to include more protein? I eat meat (probably not enough as it's generally not the center of my meals), I'm beginning to include more Greek yogurt in my day to day…
  • I've unlocked my diary. I'm ALWAYS under my protein requirement some days it's only a few grams while others I don't even come close. Any suggestions on how to include more protein? I eat meat (probably not enough as it's generally not the center of my meals), I'm beginning to include more Greek yogurt in my day to day…
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