

  • I have a couple different places that I stumble into now and again. We have some really good ones here in Edmonton, Warp 1 is the old standby, they usually have everything.
  • I guess I should actually add some information about myself! I moved around a lot growing up so my puny 300 baud modem and a couple of trusty BBS systems were my main friends growing up! I am mostly a web / video game nerd now, but if it is fun and nerdy chances are I have been into it over the years - pen and paper RPGs,…
  • Ooo, I really like this one, Shanna! I hereby dub this icon our first official group icon!
  • Ahaha, I love your motivation for getting in shape! By that reasoning I need to be fit enough to outrun a pack of zombies while carrying 3 children. I might need some sort of super-serum.