artype Member


  • Didn't have a chance to check in yesterday, but last night was Day 7. Abobo08: Try not to be so hard on yourself. You're obviously very goal-oriented and you can do this!!
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Last night was Day 5. Yay!:smile:
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Abobo08, thanks again for putting this together--it's very motivating! I completed Day 4 successfully yesterday.
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Last night was Day 3. It was a bit harder than the first two days, so I went to bed early :happy: I didn't leave enough calories in my day to have high-fiber cereal at the end of the day, so that's what I attribute to the challenge in the evening. I think it's important to find out what I'm doing that makes me feel more…
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Last night was my Day 2. It went well.
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Kitten349, it sounds like you are doing some very positive things for yourself! If you've been carefully registering everything on MFP but haven't lost weight, you should look through the MFP message boards for suggestions. For example, you may not be eating enough calories (1200 is very low), so your body could be holding…
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I've found that eating more fiber during the day eases my cravings at night. I aim for 40 grams of fiber each day. I try to keep 150 calories for the evening, and if I feel REALLY hungry, I'll have a bowl of high-fiber cereal (like Fiber One) or high protein yogurt. This…
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • Hi! This looks like a very motivated, supportive group--just what I need! I had been doing great with MFP, but fell off the wagon. I have been back "on" for the past two days. Nighttime eating has been a problem of mine forever, so I am thrilled to find this group. I will try to check in each day. Thanks!
    in Check-ins Comment by artype July 2014
  • I got the Wii Fit Plus at Christmas and EA Sports Active 2 a few days ago. The Wii Fit Plus is just plain fun. You can get your heart rate up a bit, but it's pretty stop-and-go. I especially like the biking and advanced step. The problem with the step is that once you get the footwork right, it's not very challenging. I…
    in wii fit Comment by artype January 2011