Jill147 Member


  • LOVE my polar hrm. Chest strap AND watch work best. Mine has helped me tons and I don't workout (or swim) without it! Look on ebay if you want to find one cheaper. Polar has a lot of different ones some cheaper and some more expensive. The more you want it to do the more it costs. I bought one that was top of the line and…
  • I usually use a fitbit along with a polar hrm and I normally log my foods. (Havent for a week or two but started to again yesterday) My trainer tells me I don't eat enough, because I am usually around 1400/1600 cals a day and he wants it closer to 1800. I eat a lot of protein and don't drink anything besides water and 2…
  • The handheld device is how he estimated my body fat percent. I better add...my hubby says he can tell a difference in my looks and that i am slimmer than when i started, but just not to the extent he expected after 4 months of training. As far as weight, I did lose 5 pds the first couple months, but since we started…
  • Thank you all for youe input. I am considering only signing up for half of what I have in the past whixh would be $1400 in comparison to $2700. I would then go another 2 months at 3 times a wk and then drop down to 2times a wk for the remainder. Within 3 months I should see a huge difference I would think and will either…