

  • Ok. So I had these noodles for dinner in a stir fry--got too lazy to make the baked spaghetti. After two bites, I started imagining eating worms and wanted to vomit. Ugh. I really want to like these noodles! Has anyone tried just yam noodles?
  • I love zucchini! This will be a great substitute if the Shirataki noodles fail me! Thanks!
  • Sounds good! I am thinking of making a baked spaghetti with them tonight. Will let you guys know how they turn out!
  • Thanks for sharing! I have been looking for a recipe like this :)
  • I tried them last night for the first time. After researching how to cook them, most people say that you should cook them Asian style. If anyone has had Vietnamese pho or beef noodles, I personally think that the Shirataki noodles go well with them. Instead of using rice noodles, I replaced it with my Shirataki noodles.…