shaylo80 Member


  • Is the expectation that we eat our exercise calories? If I have a 1200 calorie diet, and I exercise and burn 500 calories (hypothetically) am I supposed to eat 1700 calories that day? Or just the 1200 and the extra 500 burned is just an extra bonus?
  • YES!!!! When I make it at home I drink it black with a sprinkling of cinnamon (which is a mega food - good for so many things!) but when I'm out and about I have to drink it with cream and sugar - that's a rare treat. Like so many people posted, as long as it's within your calories, why wouldn't you drink it?
    in Coffee? Comment by shaylo80 May 2012
  • That's amazing!!!! I congratulate you for taking the steps to do it the healthy way - which is a lot of hard work!!!!! You motivate me to keep going and try harder - thank you!