

  • Okay, so since I started counting calories and such, I've lost 10.5 pounds and my boyfriend who isn't on here has also lost 10 or more pounds. (ok, he didn't weigh himself when we started, but did after about 2 weeks, so he's adjusting from there.) We're thrilled and continuing to eat healthier and keep an eye on those…
  • My cap and gown at my college graduation when I receive my Bachelor's degree. Sure, it looks like a tent on anyone, but I'm planning on looking awesome in a little dress I wear underneath it. ^_^ The goal for the semester is the gown though. :D
  • I work the early morning shift, 4am to 11am most days.. By the time our morning show is over, at 7am, everyone usually sends me somewhere to get breakfast. I often go for a more filling sandwich rather than a small biscuit or a donut. Although, i believe your metabolism can stay high through the day if you eat many small…
  • I've never been a big fan of soda... however, I can't quite live without my coffee, so I've made the adjustments of using Splenda and low-cal creamer. Hasn't been so bad so far... but I work a 4am-11am shift, so it's very difficult to go without caffiene... and to find time for breakfast as well.
  • yeah, I had that issue this evening.. I was about 400 calories short (yesterday I was short by way too much) so I checked my other totals and found I was short on protein, so I added a small nutrition bar that added protein and a few other nutrients, plus a few more calories. Of course, I'm only on my first week of this,…
  • I would definitely say so. Especially if you've got the Wii fit like my friend. I played a dancing game on it at her place the other day for a good two hours and I was exhausted. It got my heartrate up and was definitely burning some calories. I love that thing. ^_^
  • Hi there, I'm Holly. I'm going to lose weight by the time I walk the stage in May for my college graduation, which has been a long time in the making. My work and class schedule can make it difficult to have a normal eating schedule, but I'm working on it. I joined a gym last August but have only managed to go for about…