TinaFromEFC Member


  • I just got it. I had to force the app to stop and then restart it.
  • You took the words out of my mouth, Itskaleena! We do this as a family on Sunday then we get hot meals all week. And with our busy schedules, we are thankful to be able to eat quick and right.
  • Most people take a break and do something else for a week or two then go back to the 21 Day Fix. For best results, users should continue the eating plan (portion control). I found the containers to be worrisome but helpful. I never packed my food in them, but I keep them on top of the refrigerator to remind me how big a…
  • I'm a new coach as well (joined up in late February). I've done clean eating, 21 Day Fix, Shakeology, and the Ultimate Reset. I look forward to encouraging others and being encouraged in return. My weightloss journey is going to be along one!
  • I'm on day 11 of the 21 days. Yes, the food seemed odd before I started, but I've stepped outside my comfort zone and found out that I actually like this food. I have a problem now getting enough calories! Anyway, I've managed to stay on the plan and not cheat (except for the not exercising part).
  • I think Zumba with a group is way more fun. Check Zumba.com for the nearest instructor and see if they will let you try a class for free or for a reduced price. Also let the instructor know if you have any limitations (bad knees, etc).