reginanna Member


  • I've used cottage cheese instead of ricotta in lasagna and it worked fine.I put the cottage cheese in a food processor first to give it a smooth texture. I didn't drain it but for calzones it might be better if you do.
  • Have you tried the rowing machine? You can do that with one leg. You could also get bike shoes with cleats that clip into a stationary bike. That way you can also pull up and do most or all of the work with your healthy leg.
  • I made a stir fry with them recently. First roast them without fat in a non-stick wok until they brown a bit. Then add a bit of soy sauce and water, put on the lid and steam them until soft. Put them into a dish and wipe the wok. Then stir fry onions, red peppers and whatever other veggies and protein you have lying around…
  • I would suggest cold food in leak-proof tupperware and a tote bag. If she needs two crutches to get around the house it is difficult/dangerous/impossible to carry things like hot soup from the microwave to the table. I also generally prefer cold foods when I'm a bit nauseous so that might help that problem as well. Put…