

  • Sounds like a plan to me. I need all the protection I can get.
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • You guys have lost your minds lol Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • It means that you're making progress and you're getting in shape. Your body is responding in a positive way. Keep up the great effort. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
    in ?????/ Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • hahaha, she probably will...she's like half my weight and everything. Actually, she wants me to introduce her to the treadclimber so she can lose some weight herself.
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • hahahha, I know right. I so badly want another piece of cake right now too, but I'm stuffed...which is probably a good thing. Not to mention it would definitely put me over on my calories. I'll send some cake to you though lol.
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • Oh yes, I enjoyed every bit of it. Happy Birthday to you as well. I hope everything was good for you today.
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • Thanks, and that is true. Tomorrow is another day. Therefore, I'm going to the gym except this time I'm taking my g/f and showing her the nautilus treadclimber which burns major calories and I'm going to have her do it for 30 minutes with me. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • Don't give up yet...you're just getting started. Another person is right...you WANT to do this...not NEED to do this. Think of how much your losing weight can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Keep on pushing through the boredom. Try a different exercise to get out of a bored state. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie…
  • Yeah, it was my birthday this past Tuesday and I celebrated it tonight. I've done good this week and have lost 3 pounds since I started on my birthday. Therefore, today I worked out really hard and earned 982 calories on top of my 1900 allowed calories so guess what I did. I treated myself to 2...yes 2 Dr Pepper's and a…
    in Birthday Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • I'm having the same problem here. I just make sure that I drink my 8 glasses a day...which is very hard by the way Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in protein Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • go to tools, click on the ticker, then click on update weight data and then get the new code. That should do it for you.
    in YAY Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • welcome to the club. I did the same thing today and guess what? I lost 3 punds too. Go Us!!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in YAY Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • Not really fast food, it's typically served at Texas Roadhouse or Chili's or Applebee's...places like that. They are good, but you're not missing out on much. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Like onion rings...only 10x worse for you Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Oh, I'm sorry. It's basically a whole onion (large typically) and it's opened up. Picture what a flower would look like as it's blossoming and that's how the onion is opened. Then the onion is fried and served with some sauce. Normally a horseradish type sauce. They're pretty good, but really bad for you.
  • I've been around the mid 400 range so I guess that's normal. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • No, it's not a joke. Some place call it an awesome blossom. Look it up under your food category as an awesome blossom.
  • I agree totally. I've use my weekends to relax quite a bit these past few weeks. The weather here has been nice, but I've been taking advantage of it by riding my motorcycle. That's the other reason I'm wanting to lose my weight. Got to look good on that bike when I go to FL.
  • Jogging for 5 continuous days is bad on your body. This is what I do and at first my body hurt due to the new exercising that I was doing, but now I'm starting to hurt a little less. Go Jogging on Mon, Wed, and Fri and then on your off days (Tue and Thur) do something very low impact, i.e. Stairmaster, eliptical, walking.…
  • I'm not a doctor or anything, but it's feasible to lose 2 pounds a week. As far as going for the 3 punds a week deal, I would be really careful doing that. I would think that it would send your body into a little shock.
  • I don't know of any DVD's, but the fitness channel has some really great exercise shows on it. Martial Arts is another great work out. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I joined the 14th of this week and I love this site. I've already lost 3 punds and I'm waiting for the other 36 pounds to follow suit. The food logging and exercise logging is great. I never knew how many calories that I was taking in on a daily basis until now. I hope this works out for me. Nice to meet everyone in here.…
    in New Here Comment by rmarlow January 2009
  • Hey, don't forget the Cactus Blossom at most your favorite restaraunts. 2,710 Calories right there. Nice huh? Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I did an extremely hard workout today so I could go and eat a 12" spicy italion on honey wheat w/ swiss cheese. Spicy Onion sauce to top it off too. Still have calories to spare. Go me!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • You too ellelit. Great job, keep it up.
  • I love this program. I didn't realize how much of what I was eating until I started using this site to log my food. It's incredible. I've only been doing this since the 13th of Jan (this week) and I've already lost 3 pounds. I've logged all my exercises in and man...I've burned a lot of calories. It's EXTREMELY hard to…
  • Just because you've not lost any weight, doesn't mean that you've not lost any fat. You simply have replaced the fat with mucsle somewhere else. Don't worry about the weight loss. You're body is going to go through some changes with fat being replaced by mucsle, so you're not going to lose weight every week. Try not to…
  • Well, you can always go with the lower counted calories burned so you can be on the safe side for when they say you earned X amount. That way, if you did actually burn the amount that myfitnesspal said you did, then you are doing even better. If any of that made sense. Basically, just go with what the elliptical machine…
  • That's great. You're living a better lifestayle now. Keep it up.
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