

  • a carbohydrate+protein combo is the best.... anything from cheese...string cheese, cottage cheese..., whole wheat bread/lean meat/eggs/ peanut butter over apple slices .....are all good...make it into a 100-150 calorie snack
  • hey...begin planning from this moment! ....try to create a "below the calorie goal " by exercising more/eating less....or a combination of both...so by friday u'll have enuf calorie reserves to have pancakes wid ur frnds...in tht way u r not going abuv ur calorie limits...but onli balancing it in an indirect way
  • Hey...a combination of both is essential...while cardio is helpful for a slimmer body...u need the strength training to tone ur body.....zumba is realli good....I been doing it since onli a mnth but its realli fun n tones ur body as well...u can even make zumba into a fun cardio n strength training exercise if u want ..by…
  • Hey...I'd say chocolate milk is the best..with low fat milk....you can even buy a separate chocolate syrup/powder and control the amount of sugar u add in the milk...or even plain milk is better....its all the protein u need aftr a good wrkout ^_^
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