

  • They are too long. I don't want to keep scrolling. Geez.
  • I had to get their by controlling my addiction first. You wouldn't understand if you didn't walk in my shoes. Understanding you need to have a caloric deficit is secondary.
  • [/quote] Extensive research? What research did you do that told you there were no sugars in rice? You stated emphatically that you ate NO sugars for a period of time. Except, oops - you did. Time to go back to that 'research' thing you SAID you did. And no one has called you any names. They are just pointing out that your…
  • I will agree to disagree with you on the addiction part. I believe the reseach I have read is true.
  • [Why is that hard to believe? In that plan I was on, you elminiated just about everything for a period of time. Just eat rice and protein. Then incorporate them slowly to see how your body handles it. I had to go to this extreme. Why is that wrong? [/quote] Rice is full of oligosaccharides. You stated you eliminated ALL…
  • Great points. Every one's journey with weight loss is their own.
  • Why is that hard to believe? In that plan I was on, you elminiated just about everything for a period of time. Just eat rice and protein. Then incorporate them slowly to see how your body handles it. I had to go to this extreme. Why is that wrong?
  • So you ate no vegetables? No fruit? No dairy products? Anyway, your body breaks down everything you eat into glucose (a sugar) without which you would die. Sugar (all sugars) are naturally occurring, non-toxic, and definitely not addicting. Though I will admit to adding sugar and fat (maybe some carbs) together make some…
  • Interesting thought. Calling me ascinine is polite conversation? Ok. Your opinion.
  • So did you avoid all saccharides to overcome your addiction to them? [/quote] Yes!
  • [___________________ To whine about having a sugar addiction belittles those who have battled true addiction. Man up and put down the cookie. Quit making your excuses as to why you cannot lose weight or be healthy or coddling others as to why they are not succeeding by saying "its ok, its' your sugar addiction." This does…
  • It's interesting how you only pick up what you want from my info. No my research is not based on a "google search". The references I made are related to sugar as a processed substance versus honey as a natural pure form of sugar.
  • Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying. [/quote] LMAO I want you to scroll down to sugars, then tell me what the first one listed is. How in the world did that get in an apple?…
  • So what you are trying to say is someone who is truly addicted to beer cannot detox from alcohol if they drink vodka nor can you truly "Detox" from sugar if you are subbing it with another type of sugar. Genius! [/quote] Thank you! I think I am pretty smart myself. Actually yes you can. If you haven't done so you wouldn't…
  • You sir make sense! [/quote] Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.
  • [[/quote] Sigh... Do you actually understand what you are saying? Basically this article says that sucrose is cleaved into glucose and fructose by the enzyme sucrase in the body. Then it says that honey has enzymes that act like sucrase and cleave sucrose in honey into glucose and fructose. So, once they are both cleaved…
  • Again as you so eloquently put, do some research. Sucrose? also a naturally occurring sugar. GI Index relevance to those without diabetes? Next to none [/quote] In sugar glucose and fructose bound together to form sucrose. In honey, glucose and fructose are independant of each other. Thus my point.
  • It is all how the body metabolizes the sweetner you use. Part of the explanation is below. Digestion of Honey and Sugar The difference between the digestion of honey compared to the digestion of sugar lies in the composition of enzymes in each of these products. Sucrose (table sugar) passes through the stomach without any…
  • WELL SAID!!!
  • Of courseI make sense. Do some reserach before you tell me what I "don't know"!
  • Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you…
  • Inspirational. You look great!