

  • I've lost about 60 lbs. since Feb. and hit a plateau that left me feeling really bad about myself. Then I realized I was only eating about 700 calories a day. When I upped my calorie intake, I started losing again. Now I try to keep it at about 1600 calories a day and I lose about 2 lbs. a week. Try adding a protein bar or…
  • My favorite is Jack Daniels; however, I have found that it is not the bourbon that puts on the extra lbs., but the way it affects my appetite. I lose all self control and eat everything in sight - lo-cal, high-cal, no-cal - it doesn't matter. I eat it. Are you getting too few calories. I've lost 56 lbs. since Feb., but I…
  • Would love to be your friend! I have found this app to be an amazing help to me. It really has helped me focus on every bit of food I put in my mouth. I've lost 56 lbs. since last Feb and am about where I want to be, but it is so easy to slip back into the old habits. Hot chocolate, chai lattes. Cold weather just makes me…
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