

  • So, I'm in day two of starting a keto diet for the first time ever. I think things are going well. I've lost 2 pounds already! I have a couple of questions for people who are much wiser on this diet than I am. 1. Is it normal for me to be a lot more hungry? I used to only eat twice a day - now I find I'm eating something…
  • So, I'm in day two of induction and I think things are going well. I've lost 2 pounds already! I have a couple of questions for people who are much wiser on this diet than I am. 1. Is it normal for me to be a lot more hungry? I used to only eat twice a day - now I find I'm eating something closer to 5 times a day. 2. If…
  • Ok, I know I'm late to the February Challenge Group. I hope you'll let me jump on! I'm starting induction tomorrow after losing 19 pounds on my own low carb/low calorie diet creation (The goal was 1200 calories/~50 grams of carbs/day). However, I'm *hovering* at 170 pounds. On the plus side, I don't weigh 189 anymore,…
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