

  • I weigh myself every single morning before dressing and after using the bathroom. I only "count" the weight on MFP once a week on the same day. I think that its good to weigh every day at the same time because you can keep an eye on things better that way. You can see what days you fluctuate up the most and what days you…
  • I would reccomend making a list of the places that are near you that you go to for lunch and check each places menu and nutrition information and figure out what you should order depending on which place you go to. Almost every place has a relatively healhty option, you just need to do the legwork to figure out what option…
  • I weigh myself every day, just to keep an eye on any skyrocketing weight gain, but only count the weight once a week. It is perfectly normal to go up a pound or two, just make sure you eat right and workout and the next day you should see it down again. Only count your weight once a week.
  • I have also been trying to cut the calories in my morning coffee, i've tried doing sweet and low instead of sugar but that just didn't seem to have the right flavor. Right now I have started using only a fat free flavored creamer. The flavored creamer allows me to not use sugar and its lower fat than using milk and gives…
  • Thank you for posting this, I LOVE peanut butter but have only had it once in the last 6 months due to not feeling the high calories worth it. I searched and searched to no end to find a lower cal peanut butter and even the smart balance ones are the same. I will definately check this out and give it a try.
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