roslynds9 Member


  • Hi there, First of all, I hope you feel better soon! Secondly, I've totally felt like this in the past. When I first joined MFP I was working out all the time, doing fitness DVDs pretty much every day in the house. As time went on the exercise slipped and slipped and then for a while my calories started slipping too.…
  • I've never been out with anyone with a six pack. They're nice to drool over when they're being paraded about in movies but in real day to day life most of the guys I've ever met are a bit squidgy round the middle lol. My other half doesn't have a six pack but he's still gorgeous and I love him =)
  • Oh yes =) love it, can't wait for the new series to start!
  • I log everything except things that simply register as 0 cals like dried spices, salt and pepper
  • Can't agree with you enough. Best comic book movie ever, I think Whedon nailed it!
  • That's how I took it. If he changes of his own choice he can control it to an extent but if he changes because he just loses it, like earlier in the film, then the hulk takes over completely and he'll smash anyone that gets in his way.
  • I use 1.5kg weights =)
  • Yeah this applies to me too. I have a big tattoo across the bottom of my back but it's not of anything particularly geeky. Given the chance I would consider something Star Trek or Iron Man related =) Pic below of my tattoo
  • I do this! I regress to a child like state and almost squeal with excitement lol.
  • Nah, I heard recently that they've confirmed Ben Kingsley to play the villain but that it definitely won't be Mandarin because it was a bit to "mystical". They could be leaking that to throw people off though so you never know! No idea who the bad guy will be in the new Captain America or Thor films though. I'm so excited…
  • Yeah, and I was only responsible for like half of that ;) hehe jk. Totally deserved, it's a great film.
  • Yay, cake! ;) lol
  • Right, having now seen it in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D I can safely say this is my new favourite movie =) I enjoyed it just as much the third time as the first and I can't find a single bad thing to say about it. LOVE IT.
  • Peppermint tea lol, but only because I can't have caffeine and too much dairy makes me feel ill =P On a very rare occasion though I do like a decaf caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle =)
  • I have a few hours to kill between finishing work and picking my other half up at the airport......oh look a conveniently times showing of Avengers, don't mind if I do =D 3rd time! lol
  • I have the ASUS Transformer and I love it =) very easy to use, lightweight and decent sound for videos and music.
  • Happy Star Wars Day to you all =) May the 4th be with you x
  • That would be so annoying if it's true. The extra scene after the initial credits was good but I did wait all the way to the end of the main credits anyway to see if there was anything but there wasn't =(
  • Too honest for that ;) lol
  • Met my boyfriend almost 2 years ago on a dating website. We emailed and text for a week before meeting up for a coffee and that was it, our first second and third dates were consecutive days that week. We've been together ever since, we just sparked =)
  • I made it yesterday. Dead easy. just ordered the stark industries logo patch off ebay (about £4) and ironed it onto a black hoodie =) it worked really well and looks like it came that way so I was very chuffed =)
  • Hehe thanks! Your ticker rocks! I saw it again last night but this time in IMAX 3D, it was EPIC! I loved it even more second time. =D I think it's one of those films that gets better and better each time you watch it because you pick up on little lines, expressions and quips you missed before. Best superhero/comic book…
  • Can also be called a settee =) I say couch most of the time
  • In the UK we call them shopping trollies, and if something was on the opposite corner from something else I would say they are diagonally across from each other.
  • I remember being in Florida for a holiday when I was about 6. I was in a shop with my parents and I'd been allowed a lollipop and had just unwrapped it. Being a good little girl I knew not to litter so I went up to the checkout and asked the lady if there was a bin I could put the paper in. I Had absolutely no idea why…
  • It is AWESOME! I am seeing it again tomorrow night but this time at the IMAX, can't wait! =D I bought myself 4 new t-shirts yesterday, what do you guys think? ;) (bigger version here couldn't get the sizing right for the forum)
  • Met my boyfriend on almost two years ago and we're very happy together =) I was on the site for less than a week when I met him, I'd recommend it to anyone =)
  • I do the press ups against my windowsill which is about half way to the floor. It stills works me out just as well and I do them correctly keeping my back straight etc but it means I'm working against less gravity. I absolutely cannot do even one press up flat on the ground, I just don't have the upper body strength.
  • I LOVE that show! =D Can't wait for the next season!!
  • I'm quite fortunate that since I started doing MFP my BF has kind of jumped on the wagon and started losing as well. He still eats more unhealthily than I do but he's understanding if I decide to eat something different than him. He's also understanding if I need to take 30 mins out of our evening together to do my 30 day…